Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Here again

Hey! I know, it's been a very long time since the last entry, and I know, I haven't sent any email yet. problem: My laptop is not logging in properly, so my email programm is being weird. I'm very sorry about that. But what happened during the last few weeks: I spent a greta time here in Chilliwack, a time that really got me, I learned a lot and was deeply touched by these people and god. On monday 14th I moved to the next farm in Maple Ridge where a nice host family was waiting for me. Funny thing: their daughter has been in Neustadt on a student exchange two years ago. Isn't that crazy?! But anyways... I work with them, cleaning plants and transplanting. This was from 8.30 - 16.30. after that I didn't have anything to do really... they showed me around what was really nice, and I think they are lovely hosts for some wwofers. Problem with me: I was now used to having people around me from 6.30 - 22.30 or so. I made friends with the community in Chilliwack and I started to miss them as soon as I arrived on the other farm. Additional to that, I had found out that there are communities in Nelson (Rockies) and on Vancouver Island as well, which I have the opportunity to see. So on Thursday morning I told my host family that I would leave them again to see the communities.
Although I hadn't talked to my friends in Chilliwack, I knew I could come back everytime. So I called them on friday from Vancouver, explaining to them that I'd be there in a couple hours. And really I was! As soon as I arrived in Chilliwack and was back at their cafe, I knew I had made the right decision. For some people, journeys like mine might be to see as much as possible. For me, it is much more about relationships. So, I was welcomed as warmly as you could imagine (by the way, when I left them, I got the nicest Pancake breakfast you have ever seen!)- my bed in the old room was made, a Welcomebackstet full of home made cookies and fruit was waiting for me. The people here had missed me just as much as I did.
So yeah, I'm glad to be here. Since a lot of trips are going back and forth between Nelson and here, chances are good, that I can see the community over there for maybe a week. As well as I know that there are people going to the Island around July 1st, maybe.... we'll see.
I hope you're all doing really good, whereever you are!

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010


I'm still here... for almost two weeks now. And I'm pretty amazed by what happened within those weeks. From the outside it might not even look that big, besides me feeding caws and sometimes helping milking. But from my point here, I can see, that I was brought here by God himself on purpose. If you look at the website of the community (, you might think of them as crazy people, living far away from reality. But when you meet them, you'll meet the most loving and caring people. I've already learned a lot from them. What it means to be a true friend and to be present. And a lot more.
So, ya, that's the short inside. If you want to know more, feel free to ask, but I might not answer really quickly, since I'm trying to use the PC not too often.
Take care