Dienstag, 3. August 2010

My way in Nova Scotia....

...went from Truro to Antigonish for a first camping trip (friday - saturday) and from there on back to Truro. There Ken's Cousin came with his girlfriend and two kids to visit us. With them we went camping again (monday), which was a lot of fun. From Antigonish I took a bus up to Whycocomagh in Cape Breton (on tuesday) where I visited an other friend of mine. She lives up on a hill on a small sheep and alpaca farm and also runs a little store with fair trade clothing(very very cute and adorabel!) We had a wonderfull time although I only stayed for two nights. But we got to talk a lot, went for a little hike in a "Magic cave" and - you won't believe it - saw whales! Without going whale watching! Isn't that the most amazing thing?! Anyways, after two nights (thursday) a friend of my hostfamily picked me up in Whycocomagh and we had a very pleasent trip back to Antigonish where my hostfamily was still camping. They decided to stay one night longer and that way we got another chance for a nice kayak trip. After we went home on friday, we had a big party on saturday with a lot of family and some friends from high school. We had a nice time in the hottub and around the campfire. On sunday we went camping again (you see, i spent a lot of my time outdoors) and went kayaking and swimming and spend some time at the beach simply enjoying the sun. On monday morning I went kayaking (or more tidal bore riding :)) before breakfast. Sadly we had to go home after that because Mariel (another old host student who was visiting for the summer) had to fly home last night. So Ken brought her to the airport while Maria drove us into the city. So, I'm in Halifax right now and will stay here with Amanda until my plane leaves on friday.
I'll see you soon!!!

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