Hello there!
I'm in Chilliwack for almost a whole week now and I feel very good here. The people around me are wonderful loving and caring. Besides that I'm doing a whole lot of new things I've never done in my life before. I tried to make a list of all the things I did in this past weeks:
- weeding (not new, but nice)
- feeding baby goats, cabs and a bull
- making butter, cheese, yoghurt
- milking a goat
- baking cookies
- cooking and baking in general
- cleaning
- planting strawberries
- hottub + swimming pool
- walks + runs
- cafe-work
Yep... all new things... getting up at 6.00 is pretty hard but oh well... at least I get to sleep in on saturdays and sundays. So yeah, i'm getting part of a very ncie community, that reminds of Taize. Although at first I thought of them as being very strange, because they look very old fashioned and so on, i found really open minded and loving people here who all try to give me a good time. So yep, that's about it.
So, you take care!
1 Kommentar:
hey schnecke!!
Freut mich wenn es dir so gut gefällt!! Gibt es ein Bild von dir wie du die Ziege melkst?? Würd ich gerne ma sehen!!
Fühl dich gekuddelt
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