Well, Alex and me started after 3 hours of sleep into a wonderful day of skiing! It was awesome, it had snowed the whole weekend, so it was powdery:) and sunny and just a beautiful, georgius day! Even we were soooo tired... we didn't care! We skied from 10.30 until 4.30 with 30 minutes break! Call us crazy- it was the best! Then we visited his oma and ope (they are from holland) and I got MAGGI and REAL GOUDA!!!!! I freaked out a little bit - sooooo good!
Afterwards (meanwhile Alex and me are on the stage when tiredness turns into hyperness!!!) we went sledding with Amanda, Vanessa, Daniel, Collin, Brandon and Ethan. That's our little group, we often do stuff together :) and had sooo mcuh fun! It was dark and we did a lot of crazy stuff, before we made snowangels in a football field... After that we had hot Chocolate and played Cards.... Just the perfect day!!! People around here say, what you do on the 1st of January represents 2008.... I really hope!!!! That would mean a lot of fun outside, good music and people around who care! And I'd live in Nova Scotia! Perfect!
I'm adding pictures from sledding...
-our snowangels =)
-making snowangels
-group sledding (record: 8 people)It's Alex, Collin, Ethan, Daniel, myself, Vanessa, Amanda and on the camera: our paparazzi Brandon
-when tiredness turns into crazyness! Daniel and a crazy Simone
Well, I have to study, tomorrow school starts again...
One too short month left!

Shalom and a blessed New Year!
1 Kommentar:
Na,kleine, des klingt awwer sehr lustig was ihr da alles macht! Bei uns liegt kein Schnee, aber es is trotzdem kalt!!
Man du fehlst richtig, aber bald können auch wir wieder blödsinn zusammen machen!!
Genieße noch den Rest der Zeit in Kanada!!
Miss u, big kiss
love Lena
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