Schneefloeckchen, Weissroeckchen, wann kommst du geschneit?
Here it is! It started snowing on saturday, while I was on a Venturer-Trip. Actually we planned to camp, but based on the weather, we canceled it and went to a simple cottage at a lake. We hiked for about two hours at another lake. Ther it started to snow. First very softly, but then more and bigger flakes :) It was the perfect place (in the Middle of Nowhere), the perfect time (dimlight) and the perfect people (friends) to enjoy the first snow in Nova Scotia. I felt wunderful! We had Monday off and therfor a long weekend :) which was sooo good, because I was soooo tired! Yesterday it rained in town, but when we came home, everything was white, about 5cm. Awesome! I'm so happy. Today I went out for a walk through the rest snow and took pictures, you will receive in a few days, I hope. But now I have to study... school is very intense at the moment, but although I still enjoy my time with all my new friends....
But there are moments, when I miss you, because it's getting closer to christmas and this is a time with rituals (making Chocolates-Imissed it horribly-, preparing services-macht ihr spaetschichten?-) Just a filled up time....
Keep going! Shalom
2 Kommentare:
HI Simone!
heute nacht hats auch bei uns geschneit(zumindest ein kleines bisschen).Die Dächer sind noch weiß aber der restliche Schnee ist schon wieder weggetaut.
Ja wir werden so wies momentan aussieht 2 Spätschichten machen...da denken wir dann ganz besonders an dich ;)
Dann lern mal schön weiter und genieß die schöne landschaft.
Ich muss dann jetzt mal los in die schule..
lg Tobi
Hi Süße!!!
Schön, wenn es bei dir geschneit hat! Ich hoffe, dass es bei uns auch bald schneit, vielleicht an Weihnachten!!
Hab dir ein paar Bilder gemailt, guck mal rein, ich hoffe du freust dich!!!
Knuddel Lena
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