wir gehen nie mehr weg.
Gekommen um zu bleiben wie ein perfekter Fleck.
Ist der Fleck erst in der Hose ist er nicht mehr auszureiben!
~Wir sind Helden
Sorry guys, but that's exactly the way I feel at the moment. Don't think I don't miss you, but I can not imagine a life back in Germany, don't know why. I love everything here.
Today all the internationals went to a trip to Mahome bay, a cute little town, where they showed "Vogelscheuchen" (I give you that word, because I can't remeber the name:P) . It was so beautiful. The Bay is directly settled at the sea, the stores are lovely and the sun was shining. On the highway, we could see all the leeves, changing colours now. Everyday is more red, yellow and orange outside the window. At home, we curled my hair (looks very funny) and went to the movies ("The game plan" - really nice). The whole day I have a feling like flying around and loving the whole world!
On thursday there was a dance in the school, which was quiet good. And I found a place where I could help something. After six weeks doing NOTHING like that, I could help at the gaderobe. Such a satisfying feeling. Also I found a volunteer, who will take me with him, so I can get involved the scouts here :)
Well, these are a few facts here for now, not all but at least a few.
Oh and I know, why my Road is called Onslow MOUNTAIN road, because I biked to school this week, until somehow my trial left air and I wasn't able to go back home... but I enjoyed this trips very much, about 45 min one way, it's great, I felt like being in the books of Astrid Lindgren,
Well, see you guys
Bye and be blessed!
3 Kommentare:
cool, dass du mal wieder was schreibst^^ Dich hats ja echt erwischt, so wie du schwärmst ;)
Ich schreib nicht auf englisch, sry habs abgewählt...naja ok, I'm looking forward to go to France!!!
(dass ichs net ganz verlern^^)
hdgdl anne
wohoo, it`s unbeliveable I`m back,I have got a new account. Sorry for my bad english ( I alwayso ears 0 MSS points for my "fehlerindex" ^^).
Everything of you sounds great, but don`t forget to come back home in some months, okay I know that we haven`t got that awesome "indian summer" but "die pfalz" is beautiful too, sometimes when it isn`t as rainy as at the moment!
See ya Andy hdgadl
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