Samstag, 15. September 2007

Can you hear me

can you hear me, through the dark night far away? No, I'm not homesick, the song just crossed my mind! Okay, sometimes I miss you, but not too much...
Well, I think after two weeks, I am supposed to write in English! Slowly there are more and more English words in my head, I'm starting to think in English =)
The school is okay, not too bad, but I still can't enjoy it. I tried to get into a Volleyball-team, but I didn't have enough "background". Next week all the other clubs will start, so I can get involved into something.
I don't have much time at the moment, because I have school and a lot of homework to do... so, please don't be angry, when I don't write emails or blogs very often.
My host-family is the best I could get and I enjoy every second with them, my two sisters are very nice, we're talking the whole time now. My hostdad likes the same music, so we often sit together and talk about music and stuff like that. Last week my sisters and I went to the "Clay-Cafe" where you can paint some pottery, it's really relaxing and we all enjoyed it so much.
Today, it was raining the whole day, the fall is coming...
Well, that's it for the moment I think!
Tomorrow we'll go to church, hopefully the kids at the youth group there are nice and I can make some new friends!
Hugs and Blessings

3 Kommentare:

Lena hat gesagt…

Hi Süße!!
Voll gemein, dass du in Englisch schreibst :-)!!!
Klingt alles super cool!! Wie es bei uns läuft bekommst du ja von deinen Ellis mit! Ich war grad aufm Andechser bei SnailsHouse,war echt super Stimmung!
Lass ma deine Adresse rüber wachsen, dann bekommste vielleicht auch einen Brief!
Sei geknuddelt und geknutscht von mir :*

Tobi hat gesagt…

HI Simone!
Des hört sich richtig gut an was du uns da berichtest!! Hoffe es gefällt dir auch weiterhin so gut! Wir planen gerade unser Wochenende mit der gruppe...eig wollten wir nach Herxe aber da is belegt un jez geh mer wahrscheinlich nach Edenkoben in ne Pfadfinderhütte zum Pralinenmachen(Trüffelspitzen ;)) Also bleibe fit und vergess uns nícht!!

Tobi hat gesagt…
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