Froehliche Weihnacht ueberall toenet's durch die Luefte froher Schall!!!!
We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
One day until christmas Eve, which isn't the Big holyday here, the big one is the 25fth. So I have one day more, to become christmasy and wrapp the left over presents and get maria's fish...
And what is really really baeeeee is that we have snow for weeks now, and tomorro it's supposed to rain and 8 degrees - green christmas - yiuhu, ganz wie zu hause!!!
Well, I wish you all a happy, blessed and joyful christmas and a good start into the next year!!!
Dieser Blog entstand einmal während eines Schüleraustausches und wurde von mir vor allem während Auslandsaufenthalten genutzt. Nun soll hier aber auch Platz sein für Gedanken in Deutschland - freundliche und traurige, wütende, hoffnungsvolle und lustige.
Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007
Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007
Auf Wunsch einer einzelnen Dame
Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007
Was the title of the musical, where Amanda and me were stagecrew last weekend! Two of our best friends were the stagemanagers and asked us for help, and who knows me, know, that I couldn't stand that :p
We set up and decorated the stage on friday after school, had a run through and left at 10.00!!! Sadly, we didn't have the best scenechange (we had to change from a big streetscene into a living room scene within 45 sec...), so Daniel convinced us with " If you come tomorrow at 8.30 instead of 9.30, I'll buy you coffee!" to come in early :P The coffee was good, I was totally on caffein this weekend - you know what that means *Lagergrins*
Anyways, we had our final run-through, where I didn't run into a big candlestick like the evening before and ducktaped everything...
In the evening we had the first show, which was really good :) Afterwards the guys showed me the two prettiest places in Truro: A bridge over the Trainway, where you can see all the stars :) and Woodstreet, the highest point, where you have a great view over whole Truro with all its lights :)
On sunday afternoon, we had the next show, which was really good, then everything had to be packed and cleaned again. I had international christmas dinner, where I appeared sweaty, in backstage-black, old t-shirt, with splinters everywhere from sitting at the bottom...
Afterwards, the whole stagecrew went to the movies, where we watched the "The Golden Compass", which wasn't that good, as we expected it...
But all in all, the weekend was great, I freaked out a couple of times, whenever I realised that's just 1,5 months left.... But I really missed my "normal" christmas activities and had a lot of fun with awesome friends and my sister!!!!
Here comes a picture from it:
We set up and decorated the stage on friday after school, had a run through and left at 10.00!!! Sadly, we didn't have the best scenechange (we had to change from a big streetscene into a living room scene within 45 sec...), so Daniel convinced us with " If you come tomorrow at 8.30 instead of 9.30, I'll buy you coffee!" to come in early :P The coffee was good, I was totally on caffein this weekend - you know what that means *Lagergrins*
Anyways, we had our final run-through, where I didn't run into a big candlestick like the evening before and ducktaped everything...
In the evening we had the first show, which was really good :) Afterwards the guys showed me the two prettiest places in Truro: A bridge over the Trainway, where you can see all the stars :) and Woodstreet, the highest point, where you have a great view over whole Truro with all its lights :)
On sunday afternoon, we had the next show, which was really good, then everything had to be packed and cleaned again. I had international christmas dinner, where I appeared sweaty, in backstage-black, old t-shirt, with splinters everywhere from sitting at the bottom...
Afterwards, the whole stagecrew went to the movies, where we watched the "The Golden Compass", which wasn't that good, as we expected it...
But all in all, the weekend was great, I freaked out a couple of times, whenever I realised that's just 1,5 months left.... But I really missed my "normal" christmas activities and had a lot of fun with awesome friends and my sister!!!!
Here comes a picture from it:

Brandon, Ethan, Collin, Charlsie, myself, and our two stagemanagers Alex and Daniel with Amanda between :)
P.S. An die Openairkinoleuts: Gaffa heisst hier Gaffe und Kabel werden "gegaffed" (mit Gaffa verdeckt), ich hab mich halb weggeschmissen,als ich das gehoert hab!
P.P.S. Und ja, ich hab kurze, dauerhaft rote haare!
Be blessed and shalom
Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007
Advent Advent ein Lichtlein brennt!

Yesterday was the best first december of my life :) It snowed in the night and we built up a snowman. Then a big big snowstorm began, and within one hour we had 5cm snow on top of the car!
Driving into town was crazy! Actually there was a trip for the internationals to halifax planned, but they had to cancel it. So I met a few friends in our mall and went christmas shopping!!!
Today was cold, so we still have snow and tomoroow is off - yay :)
Well, I will try to add some photos from venturer trip, baking, the last snow and christmas-activities...
Shalom, have a nive Adventweek!
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